We're finally settled in here in Glencoe, AL! We unpacked the last box a few days ago (yes, those of you who know me are shocked...but rest assured an alien hasn't taken over my body. My husband is behind the unpacking, dragging me kicking and screaming. If left up to me, he and the kids would have to unbury me from all the books and memorabilia I get caught up in....)
Tim is the new pastor at First United Methodist Church, Glencoe. I have come off of family leave of absence and am again appointed to attend school, which I will get back to in the Fall. The kids are registered for school and are excited about the new year (although not quite ready for summer to end, of course). We have found a wonderfully warm welcome here and are looking forward to being part of the community.
For those of you who have been following the saga of my educational journey --- I took a trip down memory lane by contacting the AP to get a record of my high school AP scores (from almost 20 yrs ago) to JSU and was able to avoid having to take Psych, Comp, History, and Lit 101s. YAY. I also tracked down all my old English professors (from 15 yrs ago) to get syllabi from my BSC classes to petition not having to take another literature class, which they agreed to. DOUBLE YAY. So, in addition to all the random tiny details of the moving process, I've felt like a mental pinball machine, but am hoping things will settle down now.
The kids have made the move very smoothly. That's definitely an answered prayer. There are many kids their age around here, which definitely helps. Elisabeth, as always, has made a lot of friends. She is going into 5th grade this year, which means that here in Glencoe she will start Middle School. We are not ready for this, but she is! At church, the regular middle school contingent is a whole lot of boys...and Elisabeth. She's totally fine with that, but agrees that it is a good opportunity to get some of her new friends and occasional girl attendees to be more regular. Andrew did very well with the move. A wonderful couple at the church (one of a few, actually, who have pastors/families in their own family) gave both the kids a teddy bear on their first Sunday here, and Andrew's has stuck with him like glue. His name is Cubby, and is currently his best friend. He is enjoying having lots of space to play, inside and outside. He keeps saying he is ready to be in first grade (he is very excited), but we wonder if he realizes that first grade means going back to school, because he gets very anxious when people say the 'S' word. We still need lots of prayers that this will be a good move for him and that he can get the help we all need here. We have an IEP on Aug. 9, before school starts, so start praying NOW for Andrew, his teachers, administrators, therapists and us!
I have been enjoying reconnecting with old friends. Moving here is a little like coming home, since Tim lived most of his childhood and college years in this area, and we lived in Jacksonville (a few miles down the road) for a few years and during my first appointment. We love being close to his mom, who is about 20 minutes down the road as well. I am looking forward to being back in school. I've learned a lot about myself over the past year, and know that I am in a better place now than I was on many levels. Hopefully I won't forget those lessons! Here are some new pics...

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